One of the challenges of being an Innsitter is that you are required to make breakfast with the contents of a refrigerator that is not yours. In this case in Parkdale Oregon I have a whole fridge full of lovely organic produce courtesy of Hood River Organic
www.hoodriverorganic.com. But jeeze, I don't even know what some of this stuff is! Hummmm, this is asparagus so I can make an asparagus quiche and look - rhubarb! I'm from Iowa and we know what to do with that. I'll make rhubarb bread and VOILA - breakfast for the guests at The Old Parkdale Inn
Here is the recipe for K.C.'s Rhubarb Bread: ENJOY!
Cream: 1C br sugar, 1/2C oil, 1 egg, 3/4C milk w/1t vinager in milk.
Add: 1&3/4C flour, 3/4t salt, 3/4t soda,
1t vanilla.
Stir in: 1C rubarb, 1/3C nuts.
Sprinkle w/1T butter, 1/3C sugar.
Bake 350 1&1/4 hrs.