Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Belgian for Breakfast

As Interim Innkeepers at the Dove Inn we usually get to cook breakfast for an international crowd. The Colorado School of Mines is only a block away and we often host teachers, students, speakers and visitors of the school. So we have had guests from all over the world. It makes for a very interesting breakfast table! One morning we served breakfast for 8 and no one was from the US. We had guests from China, Japan, Australia, South Africa, France and Belgium. WOW!       

                   When we have guests from Belgium, of course we make Belgian Waffles.
Here is the recipe for Belgian Waffles that we use - taken straight from food com. It's a bit of work but soooo tasty and our Belgian guests feel right at home.
What's your favorite international recipe?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter Wonderland

In our profession as Interim Innkeepers we get to travel a lot - that's what this blog is all about. Well, this month we got to drive from Oregon to Colorado again... sigh! But we used the trip to enjoy some of our favorite winter sports and visit some of our favorite winter places and see some of our favorite people:

    In Leavenworth Washington we -
                              Sledded with our daughter and went Skiing with friends.


    In Sun Valley Idaho we -
          Ice Skated on the historic rink and went Nordic Skiing with a friend.
    In Beaver Creek Colorado we -
             Went Skiing with friends and Pic-Nic'd in the snow.

As you can see we just love all the fun you can have in the snow.
What's your favorite winter sport?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Wild Life

   OK, the life of a professional innsitter is not really a "wild" life but while working at the Old Parkdale Inn we do take care of a lot of wildlife. The back yard of this inn is recognized as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation . Here is a picture of Kirk feeding breakfast to some of our smaller guests and below are some close up photos of our favorites.

There are many types of birds that come for breakfast including quail, doves and the occasional hawk - the B&B is part of the annual Audubon bird count. We also get  raccoons and sometimes deer. I guess the squirrels are my favorites - what is your favorite form of wildlife?