I'll tell you a little secret - I am a thief!! I steal from all of the B&Bs I work at! What do I steal you ask? Well, it's not silverware or bottles of wine. Nope, I steal recipes. And each one of these recipes has a little secret of it's own which is why I want it. I write all my recipes in a tiny notebook in my illegible handwriting so they are still secret! Even Kirk can't figure out what I am trying to say but it works for me.

This is the quiche recipe that I stole from the Inn at Blackberry Creek in Walla Walla WA. It's little secret is lots of heavy whipping cream - I mean LOTS. This is usually an asparagus sweet onion quiche with guyere cheese but you could use any ingredients as long as you use lots of heavy cream!
On the right we have the baked omelette I stole from the Brey House in Lincoln City OR. The little secret here is that you fill the ramekins almost to the top with smoked salmon, green onions, mushrooms and cheddar cheese and then beat your egg mixture till your arms are sore.
Here is the dutch baby I stole from
the Hill House in Seattle WA. Little secret-
a half cup of melted butter added at
the last second and do not beat too much,
be gentle and then be patient while you
wait for it to rise.

This is eggs benedict stolen from the Adobe and Pines B&B in Taos NM. It's secret was given to us by chef Louie and we can not share it with you except to say that the spices are NOT paprika. You'll need to stay at one of "our" inns to try it and guess the little secret!
What is your "little secret"??