Here is Kirk loading "Buttercup" and "Rocky" onto the Lopez Island ferry. Why is he doing that and who are "Buttercup" and "Rocky" you ask. Well, my bike is named "Buttercup" and Kirks bike is NOT named "Buttercup" ..... go figure! They are being loaded on the ferry to go to our next job. When we go to work in the summer time we always take our bikes and our inflatable kayak, named "Cocktail" [now why would we name a boat that? I'll let you figure it out!] with us so that if we have any free time we can either pedal or paddle - two of our favorite summer activities.
"Rocky" likes to pedal on adventuresome bike trails like this one at Myra Canyon.
While "Buttercup" likes to go on bike rides that involve pic-nics.
Lopez Island is one of our favorite places to paddle but this lovely blue kayak belongs to the B&B.
This is our kayak "Cocktail". She packs up into a small bag which goes in the gear box on top of our small car. We have used her to paddle allover the world in rivers, lakes and the ocean and always had fun.
Now why do you think we call her "Cocktail"??