Friday, October 31, 2014

BOO to You!!

  One of the great things about being a professional innsitter is that we get to spend the holidays in different places each year. This year we spent Halloween at the Dove Inn in Golden Colorado - such FUN!! The city blocks off the downtown area and encourages businesses such as our B&B to offer treats to little ghouls and princesses in a safe area. It's like a parade past our door and just a treat for us to be a part of it this year. Check out Kirk in costume giving candy to this family...

There were lots of scary, funny, adorable, elegant and interesting little people, demons, frogs, butterflies, monsters, queens, superheros, lions, firefighters and witches out this Halloween.

                                                  But our favorite is  this little pumpkin-
                                             Our Granddaughter Eleanor -Isn't she sweet??

                                                                Happy Halloween!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Golden Fall

   Colorado is simply glorious in the fall! The aspens turn golden and dot the mountainsides with color - just amazing! So, we have spent a few afternoons hiking and driving in the mountains to enjoy the show and the golden fall.

 Of course the reason we can do this is that our current assignment is in Golden Colorado. It's our "home away from home" . We love it here! And it is especially beautiful in the fall.

In the fall Golden usually enjoys nice weather, colorful leaves and of course fall decor such as this fireplace at "our" b&b.

   One of the fun parts of my job is that I get to decorate the front porch - too many choices.....

So, if you want to see a truly golden fall - come to Colorado!

                                                Where is your favorite spot in the fall?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just Peachy!

Well, here we are.... back in Colorado to work and we got here just in time for the end of the
peach season. Lucky us!

   First, we get to go to the farmers market to pick the very best peaches from the very best Colorado farms.

   Look at these beauties.... they're just peachy!  Ha Ha!

Now what to do with them?? One of my favorite recipes I stole [ I told you I was a thief] from Sue, one of my clients, and Martine, my daughter. Now you can steal it from me:
Sue's Famous Peach Muffins:
Beat 1/4 C butter & 3/4 C brown sugar
Beat in one egg and 2 T cream
Add 1 1/2 cup fresh chopped peaches [I chop over the bowl so that the juice is also in the mix]
Add C flour, 1t baking powder and some spices [I like cinammon and ginger]
Bake at 350 for 20 min and top with:
Martine's Famous Caramel Frosting:
Boil 1/2 C butter, 1/2 brown sugar and 2t milk 
over med heat until dissolved then let sit for a bit and drizzle over muffins

Of course we also make peach pancakes, peach melba, peach cake etc....
We just love a good Colorado Peach.
What's your favorite peach recipe?