One of the fun parts of my job as an Interim Innkeeper is that I sometimes get to attend really great inn-keeping conferences.
This year the INNSPIRE conference was held on the
Queen Mary in Long Beach California. I attended the conference with my long time client Elizabeth Padilla of the Dove Inn.

Elizabeth and I stayed in one of the historic staterooms for three nights - TOO FUN! I felt like a queen. It was great to imagine all the guests who had stayed there in the past. The Queen Mary has such history. Built in 1935 and decorated in elaborate Art Deco style she really is a thing of beauty. We were always finding new things to ohh and ahh over such as this metal bar rail with Art Deco whisky kegs and dragons etched in pewter.
Here's one example of Art Deco wood work that adorns the Queen Mary ballroom. Speaking of which, yes, we did get to attend a 1940's theme gala in the ballroom complete with big band music and preceded by cocktails on the aft deck looking out at the lights of LA. Ohh, I love my job!
Of course the conference was not all fun. I did attend some very interesting classes [did you know that white vinegar is one of the best laundry cleaners?] and here I am helping out at the Interim Innkeepers Network booth. If you don't know about IIN- it's a group of people who do just what I do and yes, K.C.'s Innsitting Service is a member.
Well, now I am back to work but it was fun to be Queen for a few Days! If you have never visited the Queen Mary, you really should go.