As Professional Innsitters we often get asked what is our favorite B&B. That's a hard question because we like all "our" properties and as Kirk often says, "the don't put B&B's in places you wouldn't want to visit".
But we really do love the Dove Inn in Golden Colorado. We have been taking care of the "Dove" for almost 10 years and it is like a second home to us.
It also happens to be for sale! Do any of you want to buy a lovely B&B in Colorado? We have worked for two owners here and would be happy to work for the next owner.
The Dove Inn was built sometime in the 1880's and has many
charming features from that time such as the old fireplace, lovely wood floors, narrow steep staircase and in the kitchen the old well is still hidden under the floor!
The photo below was taken sometime in the late 1800's and the building with the white porch pillars is the Dove Inn with it's barn to the right.
Look how the front yard has changed in 150 years! It's much greener now and Kirk helps keep it that way.
So, if you're considering buying a B&B, consider the Dove Inn!
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