Between innsitting assignments this year we got to spend some time in the Wild West . It is such a beautiful area and has so much to offer. First we stopped in Cody Wyoming where Kirk and his friend Glenn spent ALL DAY at the Buffalo Bill Museum. Of course while they were doing this, I was shopping with my friend Ruthie. That night we all went to a wonderful wild west show at the center. Here we are all dressed up in our western best.
Kirk and I also stopped in for a drink at Buffalo Bill's hotel in Cody Wyoming - the Irma. Such a great bar and so much Wild West history there!
After Cody, we drove to Yellowstone Park. It's always stunning in the fall and this year was no exception. There was lots of wildlife including this big elk and many buffalo. We also saw a Canadian wolf which I had never seen before - he was awe inspiring! But I was not quick enough to get a photo.
We ended our Wild West tour with drinks at the Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone Park and sat on the deck to watch old faithful erupt right on time! We just love this part of the world and it was a great little vacation but, now it's on to our next job and back to work!
What is your favorite vacation spot in the west?
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