Friday, November 9, 2012

Barbie at Breakfast

When I was a young girl, my mother used this cookbook - Barbie's Easy as Pie Cookbook [copyright 1964] - to teach me to cook. I  LOVED this cookbook and so did my daughter. One of my daughter's favorite dinner recipes was "Luncheon Pizzas", a gourmet treat made from biscuits, lunch meat and ketchup. I bet she does not cook that any more! But one of my favorite breakfast recipes was "Jama Parties" and I do still cook that! Each chapter of recipes is preceded by a story involving Barbie, Ken and Midge. Barbie also includes cooking tips and words of wisdom. She calls the kitchen the "merriest room in the house" and I agree with her! Now that I am a professional INNSITTER, I still rely on Barbie from time to time!!

Barbies "Jama Party"

K.C.'s "Jama Party"
Here is the recipe for MY "Jama Party":
Cream 1/2 C cream cheese and 1/2 C ricotta
Add 1T lemon juice and 1/4 C powdered sugar
Spread on any nutty bread [I like Oregon Hazelnut]
Spread any good berry preserve [homemade is best]
Top with another piece of bread to make sandwich
Grill in batter of eggs, heavy cream and a splash of oj
Serve with lots of fresh berries and powdered sugar
As Barbie says -
       "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"
Comment to let me know your favorite breakfast.



  1. I still love Jama Parties although I gave up on the mini pizzas, luckily for my husband!

  2. That cookbook is adorable! :)


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