Sunday, January 19, 2014

Piece of P.A.I.I.

 No, P.A.I.I. is not something you eat! It is the Professional Association of Innkeepers International.
Although K.C.'s Innsitting Service is not a member, I did get to attend their Innkeeping Conference this year in Charleston SC. I went with my friend and client Elizabeth Padilla owner of the Dove Inn. We had a great time, got to meet lots of other innkeepers and see all the latest innovations in the industry.

One of the reasons to go to a conference like this is to take classes that will make you better at the art of Innkeeping. I took several cooking classes - this lovely garnish is from a class called "the well dressed plate". I also listened to a psychologist talk about how to work well with your spouse - I have vowed to "honor" Kirk more for all that he does to make us good Interim Innkeepers. Another great class that I took was about Innkeeping technology trends - hard to keep up with all the changes but I try.

 The Innkeeping Conference also offers many opportunities for networking. Here I am at a booth with three fellow Innsitters. We are all members of Interim Innkeepers Network and although I have shared emails and contacts with these ladies for years, I had not met them in person until this conference. So, that was really fun for me. Of course I also got a chance to make lots of new contacts and hopefully a few new job opportunities will come my way - you never know!

  It wasn't all work - the
 "Hats off to Innkeeping" party was a lot of fun.
Elizabeth and I chose to wear cowboy hats but other Innkeepers had on crowns, ski hats, fur hats or sombreros. We had a blast!

One night there was a dixieland band that played music during our dinner. That was also a lot of fun.

                                          Where do you go for business conferences??

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